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追捕野蛮人 (Hunt for the Wilderpeople)

8.1 推荐

分类: 电影 新西兰 2016

主演: 朱利安·迪尼森  山姆·尼尔  瑞玛·特·维塔  瑞切尔·豪斯  蒂欧蕾欧尔·娜塔-墨尔本 

导演: 塔伊加·维迪提 

IMDB: Hunt for the Wilderpeople


《追捕野蛮人》剧情简介:里奇(朱利安·迪尼森 Julian Dennison 饰)是一个性格非常恶劣的小男孩,没有人愿意和他一起玩,而他带给别人的也只有无穷无尽的麻烦。终于,里奇因为他的劣迹斑斑而被送到了一座位于大山环绕之下的小村落里,那里住着她彪悍的婶婶宝拉(瑞秋·豪斯 Rachel House 饰)和看起来就不好惹的疤面姨夫海克(山姆·尼尔 Sam Neill 饰)。 虽然里奇表现得对这里的生活非常厌恶,屡屡想要逃跑,但宝拉对里奇的关心和爱渐渐融化了后者内心的坚冰,里奇第一次感受到原来被爱是这样一件温暖的事情,和婶婶每天为他准备的暖水袋一样的温暖。然而好景不长,婶婶去世了,里奇将被再度送进福利院。

Bella and Hector, two reclusive country folk, become foster parents to Ricky, a problem child from the city. After some adjustment, things go reasonably well. However, the death of Bella means Hector now has to look after Ricky, and they didn't get along too well. Moreover, her death causes Child Services to decide to send Ricky back to the orphanage. Ricky refuses to go back and runs away, ultimately sparking a national manhunt for him and Hector. —grantss


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