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只有我不存在的城市 (Boku dake ga inai machi)

8.9 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2016

主演: 土屋太凤  满岛真之介  悠木碧  赤崎千夏  大地叶 

导演: 伊藤智彦  石井俊匡  绵田慎也  鹿间贵裕  森大贵  星野真 

IMDB: Boku dake ga inai machi


《只有我不存在的城市》剧情简介:藤沼悟(满岛真之介 配音)拥有着能够回到过去的特异功能,母亲佐知子(高山南 配音)被害,曾经信赖的朋友白鸟润(水岛大宙 配音)即将作为儿童连续杀人案的真凶被处以死刑,在这个节骨眼上,悟忽然回到了1988年,回到了当时就读的小学。 彼时,在杀人案件中死去的同班同学雏月加代(悠木碧 配音)和山田广美(鬼头明里 配音)尚未被害,悟决心利用自己的能力保护加代和广美的安全,洗清白鸟润身上的冤屈,并且找到真正的幕后黑手。在悟的努力下,个性阴沉孤僻的加代终于向他敞开了心胸,两人结下了深厚的友谊。很快,案件发生的那一天来临了,茫茫的黑夜过去,当光明来临时,悟能否再度看见加代天真的笑脸呢?

Struggling manga author Satoru Fujinuma is beset by his fear to express himself. However, he has a supernatural ability of being able to prevent deaths and casualties by being sent back in time before an incident occurrs, repeating time until it is prevented. One day, he is involved with an incident with his mother. Desperate to prevent the incident, he gets sent back in time only to find himself as a grade-schooler. Satoru brings himself to a new journey; using his abilty to prevent the past from changing into a deplorable future.


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