《锦绣未央》剧情简介:故事发生在南北朝时期,心儿(唐嫣 饰)出生于北凉王族,是含着金汤匙呱呱坠地的千金公主,然而,一场意外让心儿的家族沦落到了家破人亡的境地,心儿亦不得不踏上逃亡的旅途。途中,心儿结识了名为李未央(唐嫣 饰)的女子,而她的真实身份,其实是北魏尚书府的弃女。 心儿的行踪很快就暴露了,为了保护心儿,善良的李未央不幸身亡,之后,走投无路的心儿顶替了李未央的身份,来到了尚书府,在那里等待着她的,除了一干阴险狡诈的灭门仇敌,还有英俊风流的拓跋浚(罗晋 饰),两人之间产生了一段纠葛曲折的恋情。最终,在心儿的帮助下,拓跋浚登上了皇位,这段生死相依的感情迎来了完满的结局。
This story is about the princess of liang named xiner who has a lucky escape as her kingdom is suddenly seized. She gets injured badly and is in a lot of trouble. Then, A kind new friend named Weiyoung saves the princesses' life but after some unfortunate circumstances cannot attend the event to fulfill her own dearest wish. Xiner decides to step up and play the role of Weiyoung no matter how dangerous. She does this as a way to pay her friend back for her kindness. As the princess pursues her new identity and the class reputation that comes with it, she cleverly tries to crawl her way out of the wormhole. She finds that her new life will not be as easy as she may have believed. As weiyoung falls in love with someone she believes is her enemy, she learns that not everything is as it seems. As she seeks to get rid of the real threats behind the scenes, she gets framed many times and suffers many losses. New challenges arise with relationship problems as she is cautious to explain her ...
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