《校对女孩河野悦子》剧情简介:从小就对时尚极感兴趣的河野悦子(石原里美 饰),一直梦想着能够成为顶尖时尚杂志《Lassy》的编辑。经过屡战屡败的面试后,她终于如愿以偿被《Lassy》所在的出版社景凡社所录取,然而却是被安排到了无生趣的校阅部担任校对工作。部长茸原(岸谷五朗 饰)所描绘的美好蓝图让河野看到一丝希望,她以自己特有的方式投入到校对工作中来,这期间不可避免和校阅部资深工作人员藤岩(江口德子 饰)以及景凡社责任编辑贝冢(青木崇高 饰)乃至作家发生冲突,然而执拗的女孩却最终影响身边的每一个人。当然在这一过程中,命中注定的那个人(菅田将晖 饰)也出现在了河野的身边…… 本片根据宮木あや子的同名原作改编。
Kouno Etsuko joins a publishing company with her sights set on becoming a fashion editor. But she is assigned to the very unglamorous proofreading department which examines and fixes errors in manuscripts. Dressed in flashy clothes, Etsuko goes beyond her proofreading work to see the writers in person and also get into actual locations to verify facts. She tries to do each job to perfection for a transfer to the fashion magazine editorial department. Despite her worries about the gap between her ideal job and reality, Etsuko dedicates herself to the work of proofreading in her own unique way and gradually starts to realize its allure.
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