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甲铁城的卡巴内瑞 (Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress)

6.9 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2016

主演: 畠中祐  千本木彩花  内田真礼  增田俊树  梶裕贵 

导演: 荒木哲郎  田中洋之  森邦宏  平尾隆之  赤松康裕  江原康之  青柳宏宜  江副仁美  上野史博  长山延好  渡边彻明 

IMDB: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress


《甲铁城的卡巴内瑞》剧情简介:一种名为“卡巴内”的钢铁怪物忽然出现在人类社会之中,造成了巨大的恐慌。被它们袭击过的人类,会拥有起死回生之能力,并且亦开始袭击同类。在怪物猛烈的进攻之下,人类社会很快就四分五裂,幸存下来的人们建立起了城寨“驿”,靠着彼此互通有无苟且残存。驿与驿之间,唯一能够通行的交通工具是装甲蒸汽机车。 生驹(畠中祐 配音)是一名以蒸汽锻冶为业的热血少年,他发明了武器“贯筒”,希望能够为消灭卡巴内贡献出自己的力量。一次偶然中,生驹邂逅了神秘的少女(千本木彩花 配音),与此同时,一场暴走事件的发生使得生驹所生活的显金驿彻底沦陷,卡巴内不断的产生着,生驹并没有选择逃跑,而是拿起武器,挺身而出。

As the world is in the middle of an industrial revolution, a monster appears that cannot be defeated unless its heart, which is protected by a layer of iron, is pierced. By infecting humans with its bite, the monster can create aggressive and undead creatures known as Kabane. On the island Hinomoto, located in the far east, people have built stations to shelter themselves from these creatures. People access the station, as well as transport wares between them, with the help of a locomotive running on steam, called Hayajiro. Ikoma, a boy who lives in the Aragane station and helps to build Hayajiro, creates his own weapon called Tsuranukizutsu in order to defeat the creatures. One day, as he waits for an opportunity to use his weapon, he meets a girl named Mumei, who is excused from the mandatory Kabane inspection. During the night, Ikuma meets Mumei again as he sees Hayajiro going out of control. The staff on the locomotive has turned into the creatures. The station, now under attack ...


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