《有喜欢的人》剧情简介:美丽女孩樱井美咲是一名在东京生活的糕点师,她全身心地扑在事业上,以致于都忽略了爱情。怎奈她所在的面包店突发变故,美咲被迫走上求职之路,结果碰了一路的钉子。偶然机缘,她重逢曾经喜欢过的男孩柴崎千秋(三浦翔平 饰)。千秋吃过美咲的蛋糕后大为赞赏,于是邀请她去自家开设的餐厅打工。千秋的餐厅地处湘南,家里还有担任主厨的弟弟夏向(山崎贤人 饰)以及正在上学的弟弟冬真(野村周平 饰)。与和善的千秋对比鲜明的是,夏向冷酷别扭,甚至有些不太欢迎美咲的到来。 在炎炎的夏日海边,一个女孩和三个男孩的故事悠然上演……
Sakurai Misaki is a patissier who dreams of having her own business in the future and has prioritized work to the extent that she has forgotten how to kiss. But one day, she is suddenly dismissed and has difficulty finding a new job. At that moment, Misaki meets Shibasaki Chiaki, her first love in high school. Learning about her situation, Chiaki invites her to live-in and work at the seaside restaurant that he runs in Shonan. Chiaki has two younger brothers. Second brother Kanata is a talented chef while third brother Toma is a waiter at the restaurant. Misaki ends up spending one summer with the three handsome siblings.
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