《恋爱沙尘暴》剧情简介:爸爸妈妈不知道从什么时候不再沟通倾听了,他们只要一讲话就会开始吵架,妈妈对于爸爸总是在外面装好人心怀不满,在外笑容满面替中庭那些菲佣推轮椅按电梯提购物袋,一回家就只会颐指气使臭着一张脸。可想而知两人已经很久没有性生活,但其实妈妈不知道爸爸为了不举的问题暗地烦恼许久。 三个孩子也有各自的苦恼,大哥亦得打肿脸充胖子筹钱给女友娇娇去欧洲玩,搞得自己没钱吃饭,为了多赚钱他答应帮同事解决被太妹仙人跳的纠纷;二妹亦珊从小就宣称自己是爱情绝缘体,却为了帮好友被劈腿男欺负,跟监跟到汽车旅馆去;三弟亦谦为自己不断勃起的问题痛苦,青春期对女体的绮丽想象让他气喘发作紧急送医。 表面看似完美幸福的一家人,却没发现一场风暴即将来袭……
Chris Wu (Autumn's Concerto, Substitute Princess) headlines a romantic comedy that proves you're never too old to look for love, but your kids might not necessarily be of that opinion. Dashing printer salesman Yi De (Chris Wu), jujitsu/Hello Kitty fanatic Yi Shan (Chen Yu) and pervy weirdo Li Qian (Deng Yu Kai) are the Lin siblings, and they have never really cared much about their parents' incessant bickering. They just grew up with it. But after 27 years of marriage, the three learn their mother Chen Pei Ling (Ke Shu Qin) and father Lin Yuang Ming (Fan Guang Yao) have officially decided to divorce each other. Plus, their father has started dating a woman who is just marginally younger...than the number of years he was married. On the other hand, their mother is growing attracted to her Korean teacher, and wants to get plastic surgery to look younger. Now, not only do the Lin trio have to try and become something in their own lives--none of which are going particularly well--but they...
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