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无证之罪 (Burning Ice)

8.0 推荐

分类: 陆剧 中国大陆 2017

主演: 秦昊  邓家佳  姚橹  代旭  王真儿 

导演: 吕行 

IMDB: Burning Ice


《无证之罪》剧情简介:奔忙在都市森林中的蚁族白领,为了保护自己心爱的姑娘,无意间卷入了一场杀人案,成为凶案嫌犯。原本死水般的庸碌生活被瞬间打破,在警方和黑帮的双重追查下,求生的本能使人性在在危机中慢慢发酵出危险的味道。 事业成功、家庭美满的前法医、一夜之间失去了妻儿的踪影,为了寻找到消失的家人,他独自一人苦寻十年,最后却选择了用一场连环杀戮为自己找到答案,即使答案是他无法承受的残酷。 暴躁、偏激却头脑灵敏的“坏警察”,被世俗所流放。想要重归警队,他必须去解开一道无人能解的谜,让作恶的人为他们的罪孽买单。然而,当真相摆在他面前的时候,他却无法证明自己的推理。 谎言被更大的谎言遮蔽,罪恶被更深的罪恶掩盖。黑暗降临后,唯一能照亮夜幕的,是善良人心中的微弱光芒。

To protect his high-school crush, an average low-level office boy became the primary suspect in a homicide investigation. His ordinary life completely changed as he meets the pressure from both the police and local gang members. At the end, humanity is distorted by the survival instinct. After his wife and daughter disappeared, a former medical examiner spent 10 years searching for any trace of his family. Driven by desperation, he committed serial murder to find answer, even if it was more than he could bear. An irrational, dishonored policeman with a sharp mind was in exile. To return to the force, he must solve an unsolvable puzzle and make the sinners pay for their sins. However, he must find the prove when the truth was staring at him in the eye. Lies were covered up by bigger lies as crimes were hidden in bigger crimes. After darkness fell, the faintest light from human goodness was the only hope.


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