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玛丽·雪莱 (Mary Shelley)

6.6 推荐

分类: 电影 英国 / 卢森堡 / 美国 2017

主演: 艾丽·范宁  麦茜·威廉姆斯  道格拉斯·布斯  斯蒂芬·迪兰  汤姆·斯图里奇 

导演: 海法·曼苏尔 

IMDB: Mary Shelley


《玛丽·雪莱》剧情简介:玛丽(艾丽·范宁 Elle Fanning 饰)是一个从小就沉迷于怪力乱神的鬼怪神话之中的鬼马少女,她继承了父母的先进思想,个性独立自强又桀骜不驯。为了让女儿接受更好的教育,玛丽的父亲将她送往了自己的友人威廉(德里克·里德尔 Derek Riddell 饰)家中,在那里,玛丽遇见了浑身充满了忧郁气质的年青诗人雪莱(道格拉斯·布斯 Douglas Booth 饰)。 玛丽很快就被雪莱迷得神魂颠倒,当她决定跟他私奔到伦敦后,玛丽才发现,原来雪莱早已经有了家庭。然而玛丽不在乎这些,她坚定的选择和雪莱在一起。因为背叛了家庭,雪莱失去了来自父亲的经济资助,贫穷没有拆散他和玛丽,令他们的感情分崩离析的,是雪莱的不忠。

In 1814, Regency-era London, Mary Wollstonecraft-Godwin is a 16 years old aspiring writer who works in the bookshop of her renowned father writer William Godwin, married in second terms after the passing of his first wife, philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft, with the too married by second time Mary Jane Clairmont, where Mary Jane's daughter of her first marriage Claire turns in a close and lovely stepsister for Mary. When Mary and Claire travel at the house of one of William's friends in Scotland, Mary meets the 21 years old poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, rising instantly a love interest between them. Returning to London little time later, Mary unexpectedly meets Percy again when he appears at her house in order to ask William to take him on as an apprentice. Fascinated by Percy, Mary begins a bohemian and torrid relationship with him despite the opposition of her father and her stepmother, especially after they discover that Percy is married with a little daughter whom he supports but he loves no longer. Determined


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