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宣告黎明的露之歌 (Lu Over the Wall)

8.1 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2017

主演: 谷花音  下田翔大  寿美菜子  齐藤壮马  篠原信一 

导演: 汤浅政明 

IMDB: Lu Over the Wall


《宣告黎明的露之歌》剧情简介:父亲和母亲离婚之后,少年凯(下田翔大 配音)跟随着父亲返回了依山傍海的老家,和以做伞为业的祖父一起开始了新的生活。家庭的变故让凯闷闷不乐,只有在编曲的时候,凯才能够找回一点点久违的快乐。游步(寿美菜子 配音)和国夫(齐藤壮马 配音)发现了凯的音乐才华,热情的邀请他加入他们的乐队“塞壬”。 某天夜里,凯所演奏的乐曲吸引来了一只名为露(谷花音 配音)的人鱼,很快的,露和凯便成为了朋友。可是,在村子里,人鱼是不祥的象征,它们的出现往往预示着灾难和死亡。终于,露的身份还是曝光了,小镇上的居民们很快便分为了两派,一派被露天真无邪的舞姿所打动,而另一派则坚决的想要将人鱼驱逐出人类的世界。

Kai is talented but adrift, spending his days sulking in a small fishing village after his family moves from Tokyo. His only joy is uploading songs he writes to the internet. When his classmates invite him to play keyboard in their band, their practice sessions bring an unexpected guest: Lu, a young mermaid whose fins turn to feet when she hears the beats, and whose singing causes humans to compulsively dance - whether they want to or not. As Kai spends more time with Lu, he finds he is able to tell her what he is really thinking, and a bond begins to form. But since ancient times, the people in the village have believed that mermaids bring disaster and soon there is trouble between Lu and the townspeople, putting the town in grave danger.


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