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昼颜 (Hirugao)

6.4 推荐

分类: 电影 日本 2017

主演: 上户彩  斋藤工  伊藤步  平山浩行  黑泽明日香 

导演: 西谷弘 

IMDB: Hirugao


《昼颜》剧情简介:离婚后恢复单身的纱和(上户彩饰)在海滨小镇的餐馆打工度日。一个偶然的机会,纱和与北野(斋藤工 饰)再次相遇,约定了不再见面的两人,在四目相对的那一瞬间感情被重新点燃。然而这段禁忌之恋很快被北野的妻子(伊藤步 饰)发现,并与二人产生了激烈的冲突。与此同时,餐厅老板杉崎(平山浩行 饰)的出现,也让四个人的情感走向更加扑朔迷离,一边是复燃的旧情,一边是“永不再相见”的约定,几个主人公的命运再次纠缠在一起。

When a Japanese housewife has an affair while her husband is hard at work providing for the family the phrase goes 'heijitsu hirugao tsuma.' When a Japanese woman sleeps with a married teacher she is shunned and shamed and has to change her name and residence. yet, that is not their end. There is more to come.


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