《蓝色星球2》剧情简介:《蓝色星球II》将由大卫·爱登堡爵士主持。在长达4年的拍摄过程中, 制作团队共执行了125次的探险,水下拍摄时数长达到6000多个小时。与2001年首播的《藍色星球》相隔16年之后,制作团队透过新的科技技术突破以往限制,将许多过去未知的地带、惊人的生物及其令人瞠目结舌的举动呈现在观众眼前 自从《蓝色星球》2001年开播以来,我们对大海之下生命的理解被彻底颠覆了。从北极熊出没的北冰洋到焕发着勃勃生机的蓝色珊瑚环礁,本系列纪录片同大家分享一些令人吃惊的新发现;邂逅在南冰洋深处神出鬼没的奇怪章鱼,观赏巨大的鲹鱼跳出水面,飞跃到半空中捕鱼;骑在虎鲸的背上,同它一起冲向鱼群。《蓝色星球2》带领我们体验让人敬畏称奇的新地方,见识魅力四射的新物种,了解非同寻常的新行为。
Nearly a generation after the acclaimed Blue Planet documentary was released, David Attenborough returns to narrate this groundbreaking sequel/reboot. Blue Planet ll focuses more heavily on mankind's influence on the world's oceans through both global pollution and climate change. This series features a variety of revolutionary segments never before seen in a video documentary, including: cuttlefish that hypnotize crabs to stun them, giant trevally that leap out of the water to catch low flying birds, and newly discovered dancing yeti crabs. —Jakob E. Ferguson
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