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记忆大师 (Battle of Memories)

7.1 推荐

分类: 电影 中国大陆 2017

主演: 黄渤  段奕宏  徐静蕾  杨子姗  梁杰理 

导演: 陈正道 

IMDB: Battle of Memories


《记忆大师》剧情简介:故事发生在2025年,因为和妻子张代晨(徐静蕾 饰)婚姻破裂,男主角江丰(黄渤 饰)走进记忆大师医疗中心接受手术,却不料手术失误记忆被错误重载,他莫名其妙变成了“杀人凶手”。警官沈汉强(段奕宏 饰)的穷追不舍让他逐渐发现,自己脑内的错误记忆不仅是破案的关键,更是救赎自己的唯一希望。与此同时,妻子身边出现的女人陈姗姗(杨子姗 饰)、记忆中浮现出的神秘女子(许玮甯 饰),似乎也和真相有着千丝万缕的联系,一场记忆烧脑战也随之开始。

What will happen if your brain locates a memory that doesn't belong to you? In 2025, the memory-manipulation operation has been popularized across the world. Feng, a prestigious novelist (Huang Bo), deletes the memory of his failed marriage. But when he tries to recover the lost memories, he finds himself in the mind of a serial killer. He reaches out to police officer Shen (Duan Yihong) and when they begin to solve the case together, a conspiracy surfaces.


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