《如懿传》剧情简介:18世纪上半叶,满清王朝迎来了最后一位长寿皇帝的时代。风华正茂的弘历(霍建华 饰)正式登基,定年号为乾隆。与此同时,自幼与弘历青梅竹马相知相亲的侧福晋如懿(周迅 饰)也随驾入宫册封娴妃。遽然身处政治斗争的核心,心心相映的二人逐渐体味到巨大的撕裂感。皇太后(邬君梅 饰)与如懿娘家乌拉那拉有着深仇大恨,自然视娴妃为眼中钉。政治舞台,后宫专政、老臣跋扈从四面八方分割皇权。暗潮涌动的皇宫,皇帝与娴妃相互扶持,共同进退,终于逐一扫除障碍。如懿升为皇后,看似一切美好,但是在坎坷荆棘之路上,成熟老练的帝王已经和人生旧爱貌合神离。靡不有初,鲜克有终…… 本片根据流潋紫的小说改编。
The television series that will chronicle the marriage of Qianlong Emperor and the Step Empress, Ru Yi Ulanara. Starring <span class="a-r-d"> Xun Zhou </span> and <span class="a-r-d"> Wallace Huo </span>, the series is based on an online novel <span class="a-r-d"> Empresses in the Palace </span> (2011) by Liu Lianzi (<span class="a-r-d"> Xuelan Wu </span>), and is the sequel to the critically acclaimed drama Empresses in the Palace. It airs on Tencent Video starting August 20, 2018.
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