《人不彪悍枉少年》剧情简介:1996年的夏天… 即将升入高三的飞毛腿杨夕在追赶“偷车贼”的时候被化学实验爆炸的冲击波伤了腿,没法参加可以高考加分的长跑比赛。开了学杨夕又发现害自己受伤的男生居然转学成了自己的同班同学,还抢走了她想要连任的班长之职。而这个少年正是花彪,一个热血、仗义、勇敢的理科天才。 花彪的突降让整个班的学生都有点“如临大敌”,而随着他挽救了班级的中秋晚会资格、展现了神乎其神的游戏实力和为兄弟两肋插刀等事迹,花彪成功融入了高三三班。而杨夕在单方面对抗花彪的过程中逐渐发现花彪不仅有责任心有义气,还孝顺尽心地照顾奶奶,于是也放下成见,接纳了他。自此“彪哥”花彪、“飞毛腿”杨夕、高冷学霸李渔和“生意精”司徒二条、“甜姐儿”杨肖和美正式组成“飞车五人组”,叱咤校园。 在这个不同寻常的夏天里,花彪和杨夕青涩的初恋、李渔和黄澄澄你躲我追的单恋、杨肖和美对杨夕哥哥杨朝的暗恋正在酝酿发酵……伴随着少年们懵懂的感情悄悄发芽,关于梦想,关于未来的选择也悄然而至。 这个夏天,因为十八岁更加明快鲜活!
While chasing down a bike thief during the summer, Yang Xi gets injured by a lab explosion that renders her unable to compete in a long-distance run. When school opens, she realizes that the culprit behind her misfortune has transferred to her class and has even taken her position as class president. He is Hua Biao, a hot-blooded, rash and gifted genius of the science department. Hua Biao's arrival immediately puts his classmates on guard and he must prove himself to be accepted by the class. Later on, they go through lots of ups and downs in life.
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