《昆虫总动员2——来自远方的后援军》剧情简介:仗义友善的瓢虫父子Cox和Junior为帮好友黑蚂蚁Mandible逃脱红蚂蚁的堵截,不幸从冰天雪地的法国流落至夏日炎炎的南美加勒比。他们用自己的勇敢、机智逃脱了热带雨林里螳螂及蜘蛛的魔爪,并结识了当地瓢虫,并与毛毛虫共同协力赶走了入侵他们家园的人类。与此同时Junior的勇敢也是它收获了爱情,希望留在美丽的加勒比。面对父子分别, Cox和Junior将会做什么样的选择呢?
Light patches of snow start to lie all around the peaceful forest after the exciting events in Minuscule - La vallée des fourmis perdues (2013), and papa Ladybug prepares for the winter, only to see his son get trapped in a large cardboard box of canned chestnut cream destined for the sun-kissed Guadeloupe. Once more--in this thrilling new adventure a long way from home--the determined father, his old companions, and some new Caribbean friends set out on a dangerous rescue mission in the heart of the lush jungle, as mesmerising praying mantises and hungry hairy tarantulas lurk in every nook and cranny. Will the dauntless search party make it in time? —Nick Riganas
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