《善良医生》剧情简介:日本富士电视台制作的医疗剧,山崎贤人主演,上野树里、藤木直人共演,该剧改编自2013年的韩剧《GoodDoctor》,讲述了患有交流障碍的青年医生新堂凑在周围人的偏见与反对中,为了拯救儿童患者们的生命而努力的故事。山崎贤人将饰演患自闭症而有沟通能力障碍,却拥有惊人记忆力” SavantSyndrome(学者症候群)的主角。闲闲将携手时隔两年再次上戏的上野树里以及饰演儿科主任的藤木直人,为我们带来今夏的感动之作!
Shindo Minato is an autistic young male with savant syndrome, who has always struggled to communicate well with others but is gifted with an outstanding memory and exceptional spatial abilities. Aspiring to become a doctor and help support the lives of children, he joins the hospital's pediatric department as a medical resident.
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