《超人总动员2》剧情简介:在一次挖地超人制造的大混乱中,超人家庭大力神巴鲍伯(格雷格·T·尼尔森 Craig T. Nelson配音)和弹力女超人巴荷莉(霍利·亨特 Holly Hunter 配音)和他们的子女巴小倩(莎拉·沃威尔 Sarah Vowell 配音)、巴小飞(赫克·米尔纳 Huck Milner 配音)使出浑身解数,然而不仅不能抓住狡猾的敌人,而且还因为对城市破坏太大而导致失去了政府的支持。此后不久,电信集团大亨温斯顿·狄弗(鲍勃·奥登科克 Bob Odenkirk 配音)通过酷冰侠鲁休斯(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 配音)找到鲍伯一家,希望将该公司的前沿技术应用到超人身上,更好地维护世界和平。可是狄弗只希望雇佣荷莉,偏偏荷莉大展雄风,成为了所有超人族群的偶像,这可令担任奶爸的鲍伯心有不甘。 而就在此时,神秘对手悄然出现,似乎正试图摧毁荷莉他们所建立的新和平……
While the Parr family has accepted its collective calling as superheroes, the fact remains that their special heroism is still illegal. After they are arrested after unsuccessfully trying to stop the Underminer, their future seems bleak. However, the wealthy Deavor siblings of Devtech offer new hope with a bold project to rehabilitate the public image and legal status of Supers, with Elastigirl being assigned on point to be the shining example. Now having agreed for now to stay at home to care of the kids, Mr. Incredible finds domestic life a daunting challenge, especially with baby Jack-Jack's newly emerged powers making him almost impossible to manage. However, Elastigirl soon has her own concerns dealing with the menace of a new supervillain, Screenslaver, who is wreaking havoc with his mind control abilities. Now, Elastigirl must solve the mystery of this enemy, who has malevolent designs on the world with the Parr family and friends key targets of this evil. —Kenneth Chisholm ([email protected])
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