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鬼灭之刃 (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)

9.1 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2019

主演: 花江夏树  鬼头明里  下野纮  松冈祯丞  冈本信彦 

导演: 外崎春雄  细川秀树  间岛崇宽  伊藤祐毅  野中卓也  五味伸介  宫原秀二  高桥贤 

IMDB: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba


《鬼灭之刃》剧情简介:电视动画《鬼灭之刃》改编自吾峠呼世晴创作的同名漫画,于2018年6月4日在《周刊少年JUMP》2018年6月第27号上发表了动画化的消息。动画由ufotable负责制作。 于2019年4月放送开始。 日本大正时期,那是一个吃人的恶鬼横行的世界,一名家人被鬼杀死,妹妹也变成了鬼的主人公炭治郎,在猎鬼人的指引下,成为了鬼猎人组织“鬼杀队”的一员,为了让妹妹祢豆子变回人类,为了讨伐杀害家人的恶鬼,为了斩断悲伤的连锁而展开了战斗。

From the earliest times, the humanity knows about human-flesh eating monsters, lurking in the darkness to devour an unfortunate soul that does not trust rumors. However, the rumors also mention an elite corps of demon hunters, skilled assassins, killing demons. Demon Slayer focuses on Tanjirou Kamado, who is still very young, but is the only man in his family. One day, Tanjirou decides to go down to the local village to make a little money, selling charcoal. When he returns back, he becomes an unwilling part of these horrifying rumors: his family is slaughtered and the only survivor, his sister Nezuko, is turned into demon. For some reason, Nezuko still acts as a human, which is the reason for Tanjirou to join demon slayers and cure his sister. Will he manage to join the elite corps and cure his sister? —Scientiiaa


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