《凪的新生活》剧情简介:日本人气漫画《风平浪静的闲暇》也要真人化了,今日TBS电视台宣布,演技派女优黑木华即将出演真人版《风平浪静的闲暇》剧集。 《风平浪静的闲暇》的主角是一位28岁的职场女性,性格老好人的她在东京一家公司过着稳定但也无趣的生活,在一次晕倒醒来后,她开始反省自己的人生,决定辞掉工作、甩掉男友、退掉租房,断绝所有过去的联系,重新开始人生。 黑木华表示,这个故事很有趣,自己也很喜欢,现实生活里也是和女主角一样的性格,所以很明白她的那种容易焦躁的个性。该剧目前正在拍摄中,计划将于7月在TBS电视台播出。
Nagi's curly hair is not her ideal so she spends a long time straightening it every day. Growing tired of it all and being triggered she becomes a hermit and goes for broke one day however. Not caring about anything includes leaving her hair messy. The disorganization seems to work for her. She is more relaxed, has more time and while she may not be pretty she actually is more relaxed and happy about her existence.
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