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清洁工 (Cleaning Up)

6.8 推荐

分类: 英美剧 英国 2019

主演: 谢里丹·史密斯  罗伯特·埃姆斯  布兰卡·卡蒂奇  尼尔·马斯克尔  马修·麦克诺提 

导演: 刘易斯·阿诺德 

IMDB: Cleaning Up


《清洁工》剧情简介:故事描述普通工薪阶层女性Sam(Sheridan Smith)被夹在两个世界之间——一方面,她是个忠于家庭的贤妻良母,过着平凡的日常生活;另一方面,她在危险的内线交易中越陷越深。看上去Sam只是个什么都不懂的办公室清洁女工,和成千上万清洁女工一样干的是「零时工合同」(zero hours contract)工作。每当金丝雀码头(伦敦金融区)的办公室文员都回家休息,便是她们开始擦窗、扫地、倒垃圾的时间。一天天起早贪黑,只能赚几个辛苦钱。更糟糕的是,Sam因为沉迷于在线赌博早就债台高筑。但是Sam具备许多人都部具备的先天优势:她是极少数能最早获悉宝贵的股市信息的人。如果应用得当,所有的愿望都能成真,她很快就变成大富婆了。

The characterful drama focuses on an ordinary working class woman, Sam, who is caught between two worlds - the everyday life of a devoted and loving Mum and the darker, dangerous world of insider trading. Sassy office cleaner Sam is one of an invisible army of cleaners on a zero hours contract who mop, sweep and vacuum in the early hours. Struggling with an on-line gambling addiction, Sam realises she has access to lucrative Stock Market information which if used correctly could be the answer to all her prayers. Set in the contrasting worlds of shiny Canary Wharf and the realities of modern suburbia, Cleaning Up, explores how far Sam will go to survive, claw back some self-respect and get her life back on track. —ITV


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