《我的事说来话长》剧情简介:岸边满(生田斗真 饰),31岁,无业。父亲在早年间去世,目前和母亲房枝(原田美枝子 饰)居住在一起。虽然无论给谁来看,岸边满就是一个整日里无所事事的家里蹲废柴,可是对于自己的所作所为,嘴皮子非常利索的岸边满总是能够将它们正当化。任何想要从品行上对岸边满进行攻击的人,最终都会被他的歪理辩驳的哑口无言。 曾经,岸边满也是一位充满了干劲和理想的有为青年,热爱咖啡文化的他在大学毕业后曾经尝试过经营咖啡店,却赔得连底裤都不剩,从此一蹶不振,彻底告别职场。岸边满有一个姐姐名叫绫子(小池荣子 饰),因为家里房屋改造,绫子带着丈夫(安田显 饰)和女儿春海(清原果耶 饰)暂时借住在母亲家里。
A young man has college and a failed business behind him. Unemployed and planning his next steps he is lodging with is mother, a small business owner. His sister and her family also move in with the two, albeit temporarily. She sees him as a loser and a lush and wants him out. She also whispers in their mother's ear to ask him to leave the house in order to find his own way and begin the rest of his life. She probably has noble intentions, but is she right and will she succeed?
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