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21座桥 (21 Bridges)

6.5 推荐

分类: 电影 美国 2019

主演: 查德维克·博斯曼  西耶娜·米勒  史蒂芬·詹姆士  凯斯·大卫  亚历山大·希迪格 

导演: 布莱恩·柯克 

IMDB: 21 Bridges


《21座桥》剧情简介:事业失意的纽约警探安德烈·戴维斯(查德维克·博斯曼 饰)意外被任命追捕一起重大涉毒杀人案的凶手。在这个骇人听闻的案件中,八名警察惨遭谋杀。为了让凶手尽快落网,戴维斯开启了曼哈顿历史上第一次全境封锁,岛上与外界联系的21座桥全部禁止出入。但封锁时间只有四个小时,戴维斯必须在天亮之前抓到凶手!在紧张的追捕行动中,戴维斯发现凶手也同样在被追杀,这起案件背后可能藏着一个滔天阴谋,他必须在一切不可挽回之前找出凶手并查明真相。

Thrust into a citywide manhunt for a duo of cop killers, NYPD detective Andre Davis begins to uncover a massive conspiracy that links his fellow police officers to a criminal empire and must decide who he is hunting and who is actually hunting him. During the manhunt, Manhattan is completely locked down for the first time in its history - no exit or entry to the island including all 21 bridges.


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