《外星生命 第一季》剧情简介:一件神秘的外星文物在地球登陆后,尼可·布雷肯里奇指挥官(凯蒂·萨克沃夫饰)必须带领人类首次的星际任务,抵达其发源星球,同时她的丈夫(贾斯汀·查特文饰)则留守地球并努力与该文物进行首次接触。 《外星生命》探索生命的奇迹,刻划在一个几乎毫无生命存在的宇宙,生命是如何宝贵,也描绘为了保护所爱,我们会如何竭心尽力。
Set in the future, an anomaly from space appears in Earth's orbit and plants a stalk-like object into the ground. Humans attempt to determine what it is, why it's been placed there, and what's going to happen next, but it's taking too long to crack the code so they send a team into space to the source of the object to investigate further. —melissajoyedowney
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