《坡道上的家》剧情简介:里莎子(柴崎幸 饰)和大部分同龄的女人一样,是一位非常平凡的家庭主妇,她的生活几乎被丈夫阳一郎(田边诚一 饰)和女儿文香(松本笑花 饰)填满了。最近,文香似乎到了叛逆期,总是会无缘预估的发脾气,这让里莎子感到非常的头疼,虽然她的母性的本能抑制着情绪,但还是有偶尔失控的时 候。 某日,里莎子接到了通知,她被选为了国民参议院候补,需要每日出席庭审,虽然里莎子不情不愿,但国民的义务无法推脱。被告人是一位名叫安藤水穗(水野美纪 饰)的女子,她被控告杀死了自己的孩子。“究竟是怎样的女人会对自己的亲生骨肉痛下杀手”,怀揣着这样的疑问,同样身为母亲的里莎子开始一步一步的探寻水穗的内心。
Risako Yamazaki lives with her 3-year-old daughter and husband. She is informed that is selected as an alternate lay judge in a criminal case. The defendant in the case is Mizuho Ando, who is also a housewife and about the same age as Risako. She is on trial for drowning her 8-month-old daughter in a bathtub. Risako feels hatred to Mizuho, but after the trial begins, Mizuho's situation reminds Risako of her own past memories.
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