《穿越火线》剧情简介:2019年,想成为电竞选手的少年路小北在游戏中所向披靡,却因为一场意外失去了进入职业队的资格。 2008年,落魄的电竞老将肖枫勉强维持着自己的战队。此时电竞还远没有迎来它最好的时代,肖枫的战队被误解、被嘲笑,却坚持着心中的梦想。 在一次偶然中,路小北与肖枫在一张游戏地图中跨时空相遇。身处不同时空的两人从互相怀疑到彼此信任。他们各自组建战队,共同研究战术,帮助对方成长。梦想从未曾容易过,职业电竞选手之路更是不易,无数次重复枯燥的训练,一次次被命运打落谷底,他们却从未放弃。不同的时代,相同的热血青春。 但就在路小北和肖枫彼此鼓励,逆流而上时,一场意外却悄然而至…
Lu Xiaobei is a high school student in 2019. He accidentally lost his ability to walk and he has been frustrating because of it. He was attracted by the game Cross Fire when he saw his passed-away brother playing it and was trying his best to become a professional player. But the dark secrets of this circle caused him to be known as a cheated player but he never did such a thing. His parents no longer support him and his laptop were taken by his father. One night, when Lu was playing the game with his brother's old laptop, he accidentally met Xiao Feng from 2008 who was already a legend of E-Sports circle in 2019 in the round of game he was playing. Back in the days the latter was just a lost young man who loves playing game but don't know how to achieve his dream of being professional and making live with what he loves. Together, they will guide each other, encourage each other and lead each other's life into somewhere unknown.
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