《梨泰院Class》剧情简介:改编自同名网漫,讲述在不合理的世上,因为意志和活力聚集在一起的年轻人们的“hip”的反叛故事。在微缩世界梨泰院这个小街道上,自由追求着各自价值观,谱写创业神话。 朴叙俊饰演朴塞路,他是不会对不正义妥协的直进型青年,因为无法抹去的愤怒他投身到梨泰院,开始挑战全新的梦想,他将会对餐饮界大企业“张家”展开痛快的反击。 金多美饰演赵以瑞,她是有着神赐予的头脑的“高智能”且具备独特魅力的人物,是SNS明星也是网络影响力人物,具备天使般的外貌和反转性格。她和朴塞路因为恶缘而结缘并一起在梨泰院发展。 刘在明饰演餐饮界大企业“张家”的会长张大熙,他因为小时候饿肚子的记忆所以投身餐饮业,凭借一己之力成为以他为中心的财阀,是一个权威主义者。因为儿子的意外,他再次和眼中钉朴塞路争锋相对,如同铁壁的他的人生逐渐动摇。
On the first day of attending his new high school, Park Sae Ro Yi punches his classmate Jang Geun Won, who was bullying another classmate. The bully is the son of CEO Jang Dae Hee. The bully's father runs restaurant business Jagga where Sae Ro Yi's own father works. CEO Jang Dae Hee demands to Sae Ro Yi that he apologizes to his son, but Sae Ro Yi refuses. Because of his refusal, he gets expelled from school and his father gets fired from his job. Soon, an accident takes place. Sae Ro Yi's father dies in a motorcycle accident caused by his ex-classmate Jang Geun Won. Burning with anger, Sae Ro Yi viciously beats Jang Geun Won. He is soon arrested and receives prison time for violent assault. Sae Ro Yi decides to destroy the Jagga company and take revenge upon CEO Jang Dae Hee and his son Jang Geun Won. Once Sae Ro Yi is released from prison, he opens a restaurant in Itaewon, Seoul. Jo Yi Seo, who is popular on social media, joins Sae Ro Yi's restaurant and works there as a manager.
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