《傲骨之战 第四季》剧情简介:雷迪克、博斯曼和洛克哈特律师事务所在接连失去最大客户“真香(chumhum)”搜索引擎、创始合伙人性侵丑闻东窗事发后,不得不接受跨国巨头STR劳瑞律师事务所收购成为其附属子公司,转眼间所有决定都逃不过顶头巨头事后批评问责。尽管STR劳瑞初看好似善主一枚,戴安·洛克哈特和同事却因丧失独立自主纷纷恼火不已。
Diane Lockhart finds herself living in an alternate reality where Donald Trump was never elected and Hillary Clinton is the current president of the United States. While Diane's liberal self is overjoyed, she soon realizes how a different outcome of the 2016 election might have unexpected consequences.
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