《梅森探案集 第一季》剧情简介:瑞斯饰演美国小说中最具传奇色彩的刑事辩护律师派瑞·梅森。当时梅森被他在法国的战争经历所困扰,正遭受着婚姻破裂的影响。1932年的洛杉矶,当美国其他地区从大萧条中复苏时,这座城市却在蓬勃发展。一件儿童绑架案出了差错。梅森将在破案过程中揭露一个支离破碎的城市,也许这也是一条救赎自己的道路。玛斯拉尼饰演上帝辐射大会的领袖修女爱丽丝,她每天向饥饿的会众和遍布全国的电台观众宣讲三次布道。
Set in 1932 Los Angeles, the series focuses on the origin story of famed defense lawyer Perry Mason, based on characters from Erle Stanley Gardner's novels. Living check-to-check as a low-rent private investigator, Mason is haunted by his wartime experiences in France and suffering the effects of a broken marriage. L.A. is booming while the rest of the country recovers from the Great Depression -- but a kidnapping gone very wrong leads to Mason exposing a fractured city as he uncovers the truth of the crime.
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