《副警长》剧情简介:David Ayer执导﹑Will Beall负责剧本的警察程序剧《副警长 Deputy》讲述副警长Bill Hollister是位宁愿冲在前线也不想去开员工会议的家伙,但是当洛杉矶郡警长去世后,Bill成了执行警长并得管理多达1万名的警员。 在《真探 True Det ective》第三季中饰演州警察的Stephen Dorff饰演主角Bill Hollister。Yara Martinez饰演主角妻子兼创伤外科医生Paula Reyes,坚强感性的她与丈夫是绝配﹑Brian Van Holt饰演副警长Cade Walker,曾经在阿富汗服役的前海军陆战队,戒酒长达8年,目前Cade在郡警察局的重要部队「MAJORS」里工作。 Danielle Moné Truitt饰演副警长Charlie Minnick,她过去是英文教师,但因为学生被驾车歹徒开枪射杀,故此她决心成为警察﹑Bex Taylor-Klaus饰演副警长Breanna Bishop,穿着得体﹑安静的他负责主角的安保工作﹑Shane Paul McGhie饰演副警长Joseph Blair,他是主角老拍档的儿子。Mark Moses饰演Jerry London,一个蔑视主角,想踢他下台的官僚。
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is one of the largest police forces in the world, but when the elected Sheriff dies, an arcane rule in the county charter, forged back in the Wild West, suddenly thrusts the most unlikely man into the job. That man is Bill Hollister. A fifth-generation lawman, Bill is only interested in justice; his soul wears a white hat. The bad guys don't stand a chance, but neither do the politicos in the Hall of Justice. Under Bill's command is a county-wide crew of LA's finest, including Deputy Cade Ward, a former Marine stationed in Afghanistan, eight years sober and one of Bill's few confidantes; Deputy Brianna Bishop, the whip-smart, sarcastic driver in charge of Bill's security detail; and Deputy Joseph Harris, the son of Bill's fallen partner. The dangers associated with the job often lead the police to LA County General Hospital, where Bill butts heads with Dr. Paula Reyes, the hospital's chief trauma surgeon - and his wife. Given a job he never wanted, in an unfamiliar
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