《国土安全 第八季》剧情简介:《国土安全》最终季,捱过七个多月俄罗斯残酷监禁的卡丽·马瑟森日渐康复,但其相关记忆仍旧支离破碎,这对索尔·贝伦森而言是个问题。作为美国新晋总统拉尔夫·华纳的国家安全顾问,他受派前往阿富汗与塔利班展开和谈,然而喀布尔当地充斥着各路军阀、雇佣兵、狂热分子和间谍——这让索尔不得不向轻车熟路的卡丽寻求协助,并不顾医生意见恳请她陪自己最后一次深入虎穴。
It looks like her CIA psychiatrists at the Landstuhl military base will never release Carrie having been broken after her capture and torture by the Russian military intelligence GRU, although she denies having betrayed any agent. Yet when the Taliban delegation chief walks out of the Doha peace conference, desperate presidential security advisor Saul Berenson promises a prisoner release deal only Pakistan can deliver, but their mighty military intelligence isn't willing, so he has Carrie released and posted in Islamabad to find leverage. She contacts old finds, but is bitterly spited due to their dire fate due to US and possibly personal blame. Nevertheless a young man helps her.
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