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虽然是精神病但没关系 (Saikojiman Gwaenchanha)

8.5 推荐

分类: 日韩剧 韩国 2020

主演: 金秀贤  徐睿知  吴政世  朴珪瑛  朴真珠 

导演: 朴信宇 

IMDB: Saikojiman Gwaenchanha


《虽然是精神病但没关系》剧情简介:该剧讲述因为艰难的人生重负而拒绝爱情的精神病院护工,和因为本质性的缺陷而不懂爱情的童话作家,两人相遇后治愈彼此的伤痕的如同奇幻的童话一般的治愈爱情故事。金秀贤将在剧中饰演精神病院护工文康泰,他从小父母双亡,独自照顾罹患自闭症的哥哥,过着牺牲奉献的人生。他没有伟大的梦想, 也不寄望于自己的人生能好转。只希望能以护工的微薄工资和哥哥一起吃饱、睡安稳,坚持度过每一天。徐睿知确定出演有反社会人格的人气儿童作家高文英,她由于幼年孤独,长大后展现了极端利己主义,且目中无人、傲慢无礼,且言语粗俗、行动鲁莽。

A story about a man employed in a psychiatric ward and a woman who is a popular writer of children's books. The drama tells the story of Moon Kang Tae, a community health worker at a psychiatric ward who doesn't have time for love, and Go Moon Young, a successful children's book author with antisocial behavior who seems to have never known love. After meeting one another, the two slowly begin to heal each other's emotional wounds.


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