《机动搜查队404》剧情简介:本作品讲述了在警察“机动搜查队”,机动能力和运动神经首屈一指、但却没有刑事搜查经验也缺乏刑警常识的伊吹蓝(绫野刚 饰),观察和社交能力突出,但却不信任自己和别人的理性的刑警、志摩一未(星野源 饰),主角二人以24小时的时限内破案为目标的故事。 标题中的“MIU”是Mobile Investigative Unit(机动搜查队)的首字母,“404”是两人饰演机动搜查队员的呼叫信号。
The MIU, Mobile Investigation Unit, is the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Criminal Unit's first responders for initial crime investigations. Working round the clock, every MIU team only has up to four days to resolve each case, after which the case will be transferred to the MPD's other specialized investigation units.
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