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国家葬礼 (State Funeral)

7.6 推荐

分类: 电影 荷兰 / 立陶宛 2020

主演: 约瑟夫·斯大林  赫鲁晓夫  拉夫连季·巴夫洛维奇·贝利亚  维亚切斯拉夫·莫洛托夫  格奥尔基·马林科夫 

导演: 谢尔盖·洛兹尼察 

IMDB: State Funeral


《国家葬礼》剧情简介:本片将讲述斯大林葬礼的“宏伟、恐怖且怪诞”的场面。这将是洛兹尼察最新的蒙太奇电影,基于档案影像,他将在今年晚些时候完工。他表示:“我一直在研究一部于1953年3月5日至8日拍摄的电影,这部电影导演包括谢尔盖·格拉西莫夫(Сергей Герасимов)和伊利亚·科帕林(Илья Копалин),但是电影在苏联政府内部观影过后就被禁了。直到90年代才重新被发现。”

Unique, mostly unseen before, archive footage from March 1953, presents the funeral of Joseph Stalin as the culmination of the dictator's personality cult. The news of Stalin's death on March 5, 1953, shocked the entire Soviet Union. The burial ceremony was attended by tens of thousands of mourners. We observe every stage of the funeral spectacle, described by Pravda newspaper, as the Great Farewell, and receive an unprecedented access to the dramatic and absurd experience of life and death under Stalin's reign. The film addresses the issue of Stalin's personality cult as a form of terror-induced delusion. It gives an insight into the nature of the regime and its legacy, still haunting the contemporary world. —ATOMS & VOID


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