《半泽直树2》剧情简介:创下日本平成年代收视奇迹的电视剧《半泽直树》续作。 本作的故事将承接前作,从半泽被调往东京中央证券任营业企划部长开始。某天,东京中央证券接到了一桩巨额交易。一家大型IT企业企图动用1500亿日元进行恶意收购。这笔交易的规模创造了东京中央证券交易史上的新纪录。此时的半泽还不知道一场新的同银行之间的斗争即将拉开大幕……在新的岗位上,半泽能否继续迎难而上,化解各种难题与阻碍,对那些百般刁难的对手能否再次“加倍奉还”?! 本作原作为作家池井户润的半泽系列小说中的《迷失一代的逆袭》与《银翼的伊卡洛斯》二作。
An idealistic banker takes on corruption and wrongdoing at his large corporate bank. While forging ties with some unlikely allies, he must use his financial expertise, his instincts about human nature and his skills of improvisation to try to stay one step ahead of his powerful enemies.
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