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夜空 (Night Sky)

6.8 推荐

分类: 英美剧 美国 2022

主演: J·K·西蒙斯  茜茜·斯派塞克  柴·汉森  亚当·巴特利  Cass Buggé 

导演: 胡安·何塞·坎帕内利亚 

IMDB: Night Sky


《夜空》剧情简介:故事以Franklin和Irene York这对爱人为中心,他们多年前发现了一个掩埋在自家后院下的舱体/密室,通过它可以去往一个陌生荒芜的星球。从此他们便小心守护着这个秘密,但当一个神秘的年轻男子进入他们的生活后,York一家平静的生活迅速被搅乱了,而他们自以为十分了解的神秘舱体/密室,比想象中要复杂得多。

The series centers around Franklin and Irene York, a couple who years ago discovered a chamber buried in their backyard which inexplicably leads to a strange, deserted planet. They've carefully guarded their secret ever since, but when an enigmatic young man enters their lives, the Yorks' quiet existence is quickly upended, and the mysterious chamber they thought they knew so well turns out to be much more than they could ever have imagined.


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